About Me


Hi there, I’m Maddie Lambourne! I am a mother, wife, nutritionist, and health coach. My passion for medicine and holistic nutrition lead me to completing a Masters of Science in Nutrition. I believe that food is medicine and that what you consume, programs your body with messages of health or illness. After completing my Masters degree, I began my doctorate degree in Naturopathic medicine, which I am currently working on.

I utilize naturopathic medicine and food as medicine in my own home, with my family. In my practice, I seek to combine the best of what science has to offer with the body’s own natural ability to heal. With an understanding of science also comes a respect for the inexplicable healing power of the human body. Rather than simply treating symptoms I utilize functional medicine to treat the root cause of illness.

My passion as a practitioner lies within education and empowerment. I believe in putting medicine into the patients hands and enabling them to heal themselves. You truly are the driver and I am simply here to help you navigate the terrain.

You have the power to heal yourself and my job is to show you how!