Blueberry Date

Clay and I try to make sure that we take each other on regular dates. For our date this week we drove out to Sauvie Island and picked blueberries at Bella Organic Farm. Setting aside special time to go and do something out our the routine is so important in a marriage. It can be so easy to get caught up in the regular, ordinary, day-to-to, routines. Sometimes we neglect and forget about the things that are right in front of our faces, like our marriages. How the heck does that happen?!?!? Being married to Clay is constantly about learning, growing, and improving. I love dates with Clay. I love sneak eating handfuls of blueberries. I love watching you in the berry picking zone.


I think it is so so so important to make sure that when you are married you make dates with your pal a priority. Marriage can bring you so much happiness and joy. But it is like a little plant that has to be constantly watered and nurtured in order to grow to its full potential. I am obviously a young buck and I haven’t been married for that that long. But in the short time that I have been lucky enough to call Clay mine I have learned that the sweetest thing to give your spouse is time.


Clay and I both have jobs, we are both busy with other things. Sometimes making time to go out and take one another on a date can seem like a hassle. Maybe not a hassle but life just seems to get in the way. SO FREAKING WHAT?!?! Drop everything that you are doing and go on a date. Clay and I spent the morning picking blueberries, talking about taking our future babies berry picking, laughing at inside jokes, and singing old Kanye songs. I cannot imagine spending my morning doing anything better. Love is so wonderful and so much fun. Lets plan on blueberry dates for eternity runner boy, yes, okay? I love you.

LifeMaddie Lambourne