Monday Meal Prep

For this Monday meal prep I made Mexican themed bowls. I always like to kind of pick a theme and roll with it. Some weeks I will make a greek themed bowl and toss in chickpeas and feta cheese. This specific week I made mexican themed bowls. Yum. Super duper easy to throw together and makes filling, grab-n’go lunches for the week. I try to keep the recipes pretty basic because why make your life difficult? So here it is:


  • 2 boneless skinless chicken breasts

  • 2 tsps taco seasoning

  • 2 tbsps olive oil

  • 2 cups white rice (you can use whatever rice you like)

  • 1 cup black beans

  • 1 cup corn

  • lettuce &kale

  • 1 avocado

  • dash of cheese


  1. Preheat oven to 400.

  2. Cook rice in a rice cooker.

  3. Put chicken on a baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil and taco seasoning, flip and coat both sides.

  4. Bake in for 30 minutes. When it’s done take out of the oven and shred.

  5. Put all of your ingredients into an airtight sealed container and store in the fridge for the week.

Feel free to replace items that you do or don’t like. Make the bowls your own! I love salsa and Clay doesn’t, so I baptize mine in salsa. My mom doesn’t love black beans so when she meals preps this bowl she opts for pinto beans instead. Sometimes Clay and I mix it up and use quinoa or brown rice for our grain. I think that variation is key to making sure that you don’t get tired of the meals that you are meal prepping. If you are sick of the food that you are eating during meal prep then you are doing it wrong. Meal prep is supposed to be time saving but not option limiting! Get creative and enjoy!

EatMaddie Lambourne