"Lettuce" Discuss

Some would call this lazy, but I call it a genius meal prep hack from a family that burns through lettuce like it is the end of the world. Clay and I love lettuce and kale. As you can tell from a lot of my recipes I usually use both of them mixed together and this is why. When Clay and I first got married I found myself constantly chopping and washing lettuce. I always struggled to cut up just the right amount. I would either do to little, then I would I would have to skimp on lettuce which suckkkkkksssssssss. Or I would cut up way to much and then we would end up just throwing it away and wasting it. Because what are you going to do with a tablespoon of lettuce? Horrible I know.

Now Clay and I go through a head of lettuce and a bundle of kale a week. Sound like a lot? Well when you have veggies prepped and easy to grab then you are more likely to eat them! Wow who would have thought? On one of the days when I was doing my meal prep I decided to chop up the entire head of lettuce and the entire bundle of kale, wash them, mix them, and put them in giant rubbermaid container. To my suprise the leaves didn’t wilt and the pre-chopped mixture lasted through the entire week of meals!

Since then I haven’t wasted my time with daily washing, chopping, etc. I incorporate this as a part of my weekly meal prep and we do it religiously! It saves so much time and makes eating healthy thoughtless. I think that people are so focused on diets and losing weight etc etc etc. What people need to be focusing on is making small, doable, lifestyle changes. Cutting up a big bowl of lettuce and kale, then literally having it stare at you in your fridge for a week literally peer pressures you into change. Start small peeps. Maybe don’t use the biggest rubbermaid container you can find, or only cut up half the head of lettuce. Take a step, then a leap, then before you know it you find your healthy weekly rituals.


Oh i guess if you don’t get it…


  • Head of romaine lettuce

  • Bundle of kale


  1. Wash lettuce and kale.

  2. Chop.

  3. Spin in salad spinner until dry.

  4. Put in airtight container, store in the fridge for a week.

EatMaddie Lambourne