"Berry" Fun Day

One of my favorite summer traditions is going berry picking. Clay and I were so bummed when we thought that we weren’t going to be able to keep the tradition alive this summer due to COVID. But thank goodness for Douglas Farms on Sauvie Island. We spent the morning in their beautiful berry fields picking blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries until our fingers turned purple. Was it weird picking berries with a mask on? Yes. But who the fuh cares. COVID/wearing a face mask has become the new normal. That doesn’t mean you have to stop living your life and doing fun things.

Every summer Clay and I make a bucket-list of things that we want to accomplish. We write it out on a piece of paper, add to it when we think of things, and post it on our fridge for motivation. Every summer since we were dating Clay and I have done this. We have crossed off things ranging from go to Disneyland, spend a night camping, bake a GF & Vegan cake and more! I love doing this, because it gives us fun things to do that take us out of our ordinary routine. Per usual, we made one for the COVID 2020 summer. Although our list this year is pretty specific to Oregonians, I decided to post some of the A1 ideas we have loved throughout the years. Hopefully they help inspire, motivate, and push you outside of your mundane routines! Life is short and is meant to enjoyed not simply just endured.

So…..drum roll.

  • hike

  • berry picking

  • go to the beach

  • bake cookies

  • go camping

  • hammock

  • go to the farmer’s market

  • make s’mores

  • kayak/paddle board

  • run a 1/2 marathon

  • eat a watermelon

  • plant a garden

  • eat at a bucket-list restaurant

  • have a water ballon fight

  • backyard yoga

  • visit a lavender farm

  • eat ice cream

  • tie dye shirts

  • harry potter movie marathon

  • ride a rollercoaster

  • see fireworks

  • have a BBQ

  • read a book

  • have a picnic

  • go on a road trip

  • fishing

  • play monopoly

  • draw with sidewalk chalk

  • go to the zoo

  • run a fast mile

  • build a fort

  • make lemonade

Happy summer adventuring folks :)


What fun activities are on your summer bucket-list? Send me your creative ideas! I would love to chat.

LifeMaddie Lambourne