Celery Juice

I expect all of the shade and laughs for how hilariously trendy this post is. But yes, I drink celery juice on the daily, sometimes skipping a few days here and there. I read the ever so trendy book by the infamous “medical medium.” I thought it was a little hocus pocus for my taste. I really don’t think that celery juice is the secret potion that cures cancer, heals the lepers, and brings world peace. But I do truly believe that consuming vegetables in any form can make you an overall healthier person….GASP HUGE SHOCKER! Regardless of my cynicism, I am not the type of person to hate on something without trying it myself first. I have so many friends that religiously drink celery juice and swear by the benefits they have seen.

I have always enjoyed drinking freshly made juices. I started experimenting with juicing in college. I loved the endless combinations and found that it was a unique way to include extra veggies into my diet. (Sidenote: I love the juice guide made by @chelseyjadecurtis). So I started juicing celery because I wanted to see what all of the hype was about. I loved juicing anyway, so I thought I might as well try out the holy grail/magic potion of juices. I’ve been doing it for about six months now and I shamefully have to say that I have enjoyed it. However, I will say that I in no way think it has cured any preexisting medical conditions that I have or has changed my life completely. I simply enjoy a refreshing drink of celery in the morning. Thats it. It is so refreshing having some fresh celery juice on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.

So here is how I celery juice. I wake up on Monday and make a batch of celery juice and put it into mason jars. One batch, look to the recipe below, makes about two to three mason jars full. I usually drink one jar per day. I drink one jar on Monday when I juice and then the other two mason jars store in the fridge until I am ready to drink them. I use a blender and a nut milk bag to make my celery juice but if you have a juicer you can use that too. I don’t feel like missing a day will kill me and sometimes I wake up not feeling like drinking celery juice. FOLKS THATS NORMAL. Listen to your body. If you hate celery juice, then don’t drink it. Find another way to incorporate vegetables into your diet that you like and that fits into your lifestyle. Don’t throw shade on the medical medium movement until you try it…. then you can roast it all you want haha. My recipe below.



  • 1 bunch of celery

  • 1/2- 1 cup water


  1. Grab a bunch of celery, cut off the base and the top of the stalks.

  2. Wash them gently in a colander.

  3. Chop the celery stalks into thirds and place them in a high-speed blender.

  4. Add 1/2 cup to 1 cup of water and blend until smooth.

  5. Place a clean nut milk bag over the mouth of a pitcher and pour the blended celery through the nut milk bag. Use your hands to squeeze the celery juice through the bag.

  6. Serve the juice immediately and keep any leftovers in a tightly sealed mason jar in the fridge.

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EatMaddie Lambourne