Well the title of this post basically says it all. Our life this past month has been absolutely insane! I started school, we moved, I launched a website for my work, my brother in law came to visit, and Jerry is prefect and unchanging hehe. I love when life is crazy and insanity starts to ensue because that is when I feel super motivated to hunker down and get my shiiiiii together. Clay is always my supportive rock that helps adjust the sails on the sailboat of my crazy. So here is the update.

FIRST: I started school AKA my masters program in………drumroll……….. NUTRITION! Huge shocker right? JK not. I love school and I have ever since I was a chubby, geeky, elementary school kid. My kick butt mother was a single mom who worked full time and went to school full time. She always taught me that education should be a priority in my life. I truly believe that the more education you have the more people you can help. Nutrition is something that I absolutely love! Soooooooo I took a life detour from going to medical school and pursued nutrition. Keep ya’ll posted on how that works out.


SECOND: We moved. Not states just houses. This was the craziest move of my entire life. We did it all in one day thanks to my buff af mom who spontaneously drove all the way to Portland just to help us out. Moving is fun because you get to make a new space all your own. Jerry loves the backyard and hates the hardwood floors. But he is baby and will get over it.

THIRD: I launched a website for my work. I am by no means a graphic designer or an artist. Before this year I could basically use Word, take a subpar iPhone picture and was below average at everything else computer related. But boobs to all the haters because I love learning and if I wanted to do something I was just going to figure out how to freaking do it. I work for an Acupuncture Clinic in Portland that was shockingly less technologically apt than I used to be. For months now I had been creating content, managing their Instagram and nonstop filming/taking pictures.I had such an abundance of content I had written, photographed, and designed.

So one day I told my boss (who is amazing and perfect and a super human goddess) that her website was ugly and terrible. I told her that I wanted to redo everything including the content, pictures, and the design. In her infinite wisdom she replied “Do it.” So I did.

FOURTH: My brother-in-law, Cole came to visit. When I grow up I aspire to be a fraction as edgy as Cole is. I legitimately will not be surprised if one day My Chemical Romance dedicates a song on his behalf. He is a bad ass in the truest sense of the word. Cole came to Portland to visit us last week. The trip included gallons of coffee, multiple controversial conversations, an overdose of trendy youtube videos, and ended with a dope rock concert. What a homie. Thank you for gracing us with your presence Obi-Wan.


FINALLY: Jerry is perfect and unchanging. Enjoy this picture of Jerry the Great.

LifeMaddie Lambourne