Jerry Approved Tostadas

Mexican food is a go-to in our house because it is super easy to make, filled with flavor, and packed with so many nutrients if you do it right! This week we made some tostadas and we kept them pretty simple, using leftover goodies from our fridge. One of the first steps in my recipe requires you to bake the corn tortillas. Baking tortillas in the oven is an easy way to make them super crispy and create a great little base for you to pile up veggies, meat, beans, etc.

My recipe also has you adding shredded chicken and melting cheese. These steps are completely optional! If you veegs (lol me making vegan sound cool and turning it into a slang) like me then don’t add it! Boom problem solved. When I built my tostada I simply added beans, corn, salsa, lettuce, kale, avocado, topped with cilantro and a dash of nutritional yeast. Seriously the world easiest modification. It didn’t require me to make a second meal, or go out to eat separately from Clay, just slightly tweak what I had already prepared for runner boy.


Also I died when I was carrying the plate around attempting to get an artsy picture and I looked down at the ground and saw little Jerry staring up. I guess my tostados must have smelled pretty darn yummy, no clue. So here it is y’all, the Jerry approved tostada recipe.


  • Small corn tortillas

  • 2 tbsps olive oil

  • Homemade Salsa

  • 1 chicken breast shredded

  • 1 cup black beans

  • 1 cup corn

  • 1/4 cup shredded mexican cheese

  • lettuce and kale

  • 1 avocado

  • cilantro

  • dash of cumin

  • dash of nutritional yeast (optional)


  1. Preheat oven to 400

  2. Lightly brush both sides of tortillas with olive oil. Put on a pan and place in the oven for 10 minutes or until golden brown and crispy.

  3. Put chicken breast on cookie sheet. Drizzle with olive oil and a dash of cumin. Bake for 25 minutes.

  4. Remove chicken from oven and shred.

  5. Build your tostada. Put your tortilla on the bottom, then chicken, black beans, corn, then top with cheese.

  6. Toast in the oven for 5 minutes on a pan to melt the cheese.

  7. Top your tostado with salsa, lettuce, kale, cilantro, avocado, and enjoy!

EatMaddie Lambourne