Jerry Slept Through USA Outdoors

This Sunday Clay and I watched the Finals of the 2019 USATF Outdoor Championships. Now keep in mind if you would have asked me five years ago if I would have ever spent time watching a track meet in my spare time, I would have laughed in your face. But as the famous Craig Engels said in his post race interview today “track is making a comeback.” AND I’M FREAKING ON BOARD! Marrying runner boy meant I got to spend a lot of time researching what the heck track was all about, start fan girling the dope runners, and find out how cool track really can be!

Following track and field for a while now I obviously have my go-to peeps that I root for. Clay is so diplomatic when he watches and just appreciates good running. HOLY MOSES did that meet have some good running in it, which makes it so fun to watch. Obviously Jerry thought it was subpar.


So the thoughts of a hobby jogging blogger go as follows. Emma Coburn is a down right bad ass. I love watching the women Steeplechase because there are so many strong women competitors! Courtney Ferichs is the OG Bowman babe and even though Colleen has the fast braid Friday thing going for her she could still take some notes from the masters. The smile on my face when Allie Ostrander qualified for Doha was literally ear to ear. When Clay ran in college he was in the same conference as Allie so I got to see her race a lot. What a freaking powerhouse that ball of fire steeple racer is. Also her Instagram is hilarious so congrats to a well deserved qualifying time.

LOPEZ LOMONG WOW. Clay knows that I love Paul Chelimo so I would have been happy with whoever won that close race. But holy crap, 34 year old Lopez Lomong came out with a win in the nail bitter finish! Seriously dude props to you, some 34 year olds can’t even walk up a steep incline without getting out of breath and then inhaling a pack of smarties at the top. You are killing it. Also Paul. We love Merica’ and you.

Sydney McLaughlin lost?!?!?!?!?! My brother in law is probably losing his mind. I remember watching Sydney race in Texas before she went pro and Cole (my brother in law) literally said before she ran, “She’s going to be a famous pro runner.” He freaking called it. Oh and y’all probably didn’t know Clay has a brother and he’s a runner boy too. Small world. If he ever reads this basic white girl blog of mine he will tease me relentlessly. Middle finger whatevs.

Anyway…… Shelby Houlihan is a boss. Stephanie Bruce is crazy awesome and the mother everyone wishes they had. I always enjoy watching her run. Also Elinor Purrier, training is coming in clutch love to see what she does next. Craig Engels holds a special place in our Oregonian hearts. All i’m going to say is well deserved win, go rep the USA, and if you are ever on the east side of portland feel free to stop by for a sandwich.

A dedicated moment of silence goes out to Noah Lyles for dying his hair white in honor of dragon ball Z. You sir are a gutsy artist, athlete, and from now on the Lambourne home supports your swag post race dancing. We applaud you.

Track and field is sure neat to watch. It is such a unique culture and different type of sport. I know a lot about science, nutrition, math, medicine and a million other topics that are not track. But I love that the runner boy patiently puts up with my gossip girl opinions and reviews. Also Bryce Hoppel you need to rendezvous with Kanas about the pink shorts because they are ugly af. Oh just a heads up you shouldn’t try to search for my race reviews on FloTrack they won’t be on there. Hahaha byeeeeee.

RunMaddie Lambourne