Potatoes & Pesto Chicken

For dinner tonight I baked some thinly sliced potatoes and grilled some chicken marinated in pesto. Then I tossed on some veggies that we had pre cut up in our refrigerator. Sometimes dinner can literally be preparing one main element and then loading up with veggies that you already have prepared. Grilling chicken is so easy and takes so little time. The potatoes were the element of this meal that took the longest and honestly as soon as I popped them in the oven I went around my house doing other things until about 5 minutes before they were ready. Then I grilled the chicken really quick and BAM you have this pile of finished meal.

It can be so easy to whip up one or two basic elements weather it is grilling a chicken breast, or baking a sweet potato, or steaming rice. Whatever it you choose, the nights when you are in a hurry pick one element that takes a while to cook/prepare, use it as a base, then load it up with veggies already prepped in your refrigerator! Here is the recipe based off of what I threw together:


  • 1 large russet potato

  • 1 boneless skinless chicken breast

  • 1/4 cup pesto

  • 2 tbsps olive oil

  • dash of salt

  • Lettuce & kale

  • 1/2 avocado

  • 1/2 cup corn

  • dash of parmesan cheese


  1. Preheat oven to 425. Spray baking sheet.

  2. Cut potato in thin slices. Put on baking sheet drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt. Bake for 35 minutes or until golden brown.

  3. Marinate chicken in pesto. Grill chicken in a skillet until cooked all the way through. Cut up chicken in to pieces for serving.

  4. Build your plate. Potatoes on the bottom, lettuce and kale, grilled chicken, corn, avocado, and sprinkle with parmesan cheese. (Optional: Drizzle extra pesto on top)

Keep your meals simple and use ingredients that you have on hand. Take the time to prep veggies ahead of time and then it makes it easy to throw together meals. I am all about shortcuts and hacks. Make your life easy! Bake some potatoes and dump a bunch of veggies on top. WA-BAM healthy, nutritious, quick, meal. Exhibit-A our meal above.

EatMaddie Lambourne