Kale Yes

On Saturday when I go to the grocery store or the farmer’s market one of my go-to products that always ends up in my basket is kale. The bundle of kale pictured is an example of something that we go through in a little over a week. We incorporate kale into a lot of the meals that we make and it has become an absolute staple in our house. Kale is one of the most nutrient and vitamin dense foods per serving on the planet. Other than the fact that kale is mega delicious and can be cooked so many different ways, it has so many health benefits associated with it! Here are some quick, flash, flick, snappy, kale facts for you nutrition lovers like me:

  • A single serving of kale or a single cup has your entire daily needs of vitamin C and A. This promotes immunity which is great for fighting seasonal allergies! No colds alllowed in this house!

  • Kale is high in vitamin K which is required for bone formation. This is great for reducing athletes fracture and osteoporosis risk.

  • Kale is enriched with antioxidants which is known to reduce inflammation and reduce cell damage. Runners are prone to inflammation because of the strain that the sport puts on their muscles, tendons, and joints.

  • Kale increases “good” or HDL cholesterol which protects the heart from plaque buildup. A healthy heart is what keeps a healthy runner ticking.

  • Kale is apart of the cruciferous vegetable family which is known to fight off cancer!

There are so many benefits associated with consuming kale! You do not have to be an athlete to reap the benefits of kale consumption. When Clay is having a hard training week and or is putting in a lot of miles, it is so important that the food he puts in his body keeps up with the energy he exerts. We incorporate kale into so many of our meals because we know that it has so many great health benefits. It is also really inexpensive and easy to throw a handful of kale into any meal you are making. Here are some examples of ways we incorporate kale into our weekly meals:

  • Scramble it with eggs or an omelette

  • Put it in a baked vegetable breakfast frittata

  • Blend in a smoothie

  • Bake into kale chips

  • Use in a salad

  • Put in a soup

  • Toss into pasta or a casserole

  • Top on pizza

  • Serve with rice/quinoa/couscous

  • Saute in a pan with olive oil

WE OBVIOUSLY LOVE KALE! Eating healthy doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated. It can start small and it can start with experimenting with one simple healthy ingredient. That’s how healthy eating begins, by incorporating one ingredient at a time until you have a lifestyle change. Kale is so easy, diverse, and there are so many different things you can make with it. Next Saturday when you are at the store pick up a bundle, try incorporating it into your next meal, and then reap all of the amazing benefits of kale!

EatMaddie Lambourne