Kraft or Crap?

Don’t you just have the fondest memories of eating a box of mac’n cheese straight fresh out of the box as a kid? Maybe making it with your homies in high school? Maybe it was a college staple? I remember the social media debates on Twitter, fork versus spoon, how to eat the Mac? Anyway you get the point. America is wrapped around the finger of corporations that have health at the bottom of the list of priorities and money making at the top. We look at this box pictured below with positive affiliations and hearty memories. BUT THIS IS THIS IS NOT REAL FOOD IT IS MANUFACTURED CRAP THAT IS KILLING US! (Michael Pollan please read my blog and sponsor me, I love you.)

It wasn’t until I was older that I realized seriously how terrible, processed and disgusting this little box truly is. When I married the runner boy he loved all sorts of snacks that are processed buddies with the duh duh duh Satanic Kraft box pictured below.


Do we seriously have any idea what ingredients are in the food that we put into our bodies? I am no photographer by any means so disregard the quality of the picture of the side of the Kraft box pictured below. But holy crap what the heck is in this box that we as human beings are even claiming that it is food any more. I thought Macaroni and Cheese was supposed to be simply that. A hearty combination of noodles, cheese, and maybe some meat. OH WAIT! I forgot my mom always threw a dash of Thiamin Mononitrate in there to make it taste just like the box. Said no one ever.

Clay still loves Mac’n Cheese. That is why I am doing this post. To show that even though crap like Kraft exists on the market does not mean that is the only way to consume macaroni and cheese. Nor does it mean that when I say “Mac’n Cheese” that it has to be associated with the box pictured above at all! I also wanted to show that Mac’n Cheese can be modified to have better ingredients in it when you make it yourself, in your own kitchen.


So here is my rough interpretation of macaroni and cheese to fuel the runner boy who loves to eat like an eight year old at a birthday party. We call it “goulash” it’s kind of a mashup of macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, and a hearty casserole. We added meat and nutritional yeast to our bake to add some much needed protein for harder training weeks.


*1 8 oz box of whole wheat shell pasta
*1 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese
*1/2 cup parmesan cheese
*1/2 lb ground turkey
*1/3 white onion (diced)
*1/2 clove garlic
*1/4 cup tomato sauce
*2 tbsps of reserved pasta water
*2 tbsps olive oil
*1 tbsp nutritional yeast (optional)


  1. Cook pasta according to package instructions.

  2. Preheat oven to 375.

  3. While the pasta is cooking saute ground turkey, onions, and garlic in a skillet. Once the ground turkey is cooked add the tomato sauce.

  4. Drain the pasta, toss in olive oil, and add it back to the pot.

  5. Put the reserved pasta water, meat mixture, and noodles into the pot. Mix throughly.

  6. Sprinkle 1/4 cup of parmesan cheese and 1/2 cup of sharp cheddar cheese into the pot. Stir to combine.

  7. Put noodle mixture into a 9x13 pan. Sprinkle with remaining parmesan and cheddar cheese.

  8. Bake for 20 minutes or until top is gold brown.

Please think of the Lambourne “goulosh” pictured below when you think of mac’n cheese from here on out. Or whatever homemade interpretation you decide to create at home. Suck it Kraft.

EatMaddie Lambourne