Ode' to Jerry

Clay and I bought Jerry the summer after we graduated from college. He was only four pounds when we picked him up. His head to body ratio was laughably comparable to a bobblehead.


Jerry has traveled all over with us and he loves going on adventures. He is absolutely runner boys best friend and tries so hard to run and keep up with him at the park.


Like most dogs Jerry has an Instagram @the_portlandpug
Where he finds joy posting pug puns, showing off his outfits, and connecting with other pups online.


Jerry is our whole world.


Clay and I love teaching Jerry new tricks. He is a professional high-fiver and photo poser. He has such a sassy personality and is literally a human baby in a pugs body.


Jerry has an endless amount of fashionable hats, scarves, holiday outfits, sweaters, and he rocks them at the park. Refer to Instagram for more outfits and laughs.


Most of all Jerry loves to make new friends and meet new people. He has brought us so much joy and we have loved watching him grow up. Can't wait to have more memories with our crazy carrot obsessed, irregularly skinny pug pup.

LifeMaddie Lambourne