You Do You

The other day Clay and I had this conversation about a project I was working on. When I was finished I asked Clay what he thought of it and he responded by saying “Well, do you feel good about it?” I did. I felt good about it, no longer doubted, and confidently proceeded forward with my project.

A couple days later Clay woke up and had some pain in his hamstring. I noticed his running clothes sitting in the living room unused. I asked Clay if he had gone for his usual morning run that day. He responded that his hamstring was hurting and he felt like he needed to rest it for a day. I responded by saying “As long as you are listening to your body and you feel good about it, that is all that matters.”

I had no idea how much power is behind such a simple concept.

Last thought before I relate them all together.

As I scroll through Instagram I see all of the influencers posting about recipes, diets, outfits, etc, that they live and swear by. They talk about how eating a certain diet, exercising a certain way, shopping at certain places create the most ideal lifestyle. As I follow these influencers I see how they encourage their followers to do things just the way they do things because they think they have the formula figured out. Example:

I saw this blogger do this whole post about intuitive eating. She talked about how people that count macros, post before and after photos, lift weights, etc. are simply feeding into diet culture. She said and this is a direct quote, “The only way to lead a truly healthy and diet culture free lifestyle is to participate in intuitive eating.” No joke I replayed her story probably three or four times to make sure she actually was daft enough to make such an ignorantly bold statement. I thought to myself what about people that have had problems with binge eating? Or people that are just trying to track their progress at home? Or are fighting pre-diabetes? Exception…..etc…. exception…. etc…….(This was my mind spinning in circles coming up with the unlimited amount of examples/exceptions). Maybe intuitive eating was the best solution for this specific blogger but to say that you could sub anyone in the same formula and have the same positive result is so absurd.

Now for the grand finale where I relate my spider web of a brain together. I called this post “You Do You” because I believe that one of the simplest but also one of the most powerful concepts is people confidently doing things that they feel good about…. SCREW WHAT OTHER PEOPLE ARE DOING! I asked Clay what he thought about my project but the point of his response was that I should be confident enough in what I’m doing that the opinions of others shouldn’t phase me. Clay took a day off of running because his body told him that was what he needed to do. No questions asked. No accountability to anyone. No report back to the weekly mileage committee needed.

The point of me posting my recipes, life hacks, things that I’ve learned etc. Isn’t to hop on the internet and say “This is the best way to do things.” My goal is simply to show people a flow that has worked for our lives and hopefully help people figure out the best system for them in theirs. The entire point of an online community is to inspire. I don’t want to get on Instagram and be told what to make for dinner. I want to see what other people are making for dinner and then come up with my own ideas because I have been inspired by other people’s creations.

Thats kind of how I think life is. You figure out your flow. You find a system that works for you. It’s important to be constantly asking yourself, “do I feel good about things?” Take two minutes and ask yourself do you feel good about the way you are living life? If not, change. Course correct. Stop listening to stupid people and taking advice from others who don’t have your flow as their first priority.

From my experience life is most fun when your surrounded by people who are confidently pursing their own paths and supporting you while you pursue yours. You do you fam. That’s basically the deep thought of the week from yours truly.

LifeMaddie Lambourne