Life Sabbatical

Yo yo yo guess who’s back at it with meal prepping. MEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Have you ever had a time in your life where you take a sabbatical from your routines, wellness, and the day-to-day norm? Well if not then you are a superhero and I’m crazy and you can stop reading my blog. Life is seriously so busy. We are all over-scheduling, overstimulating, and just down right over doing it! Sometimes your body, mind and spirit just scream out in exhaustion and you simply quit showing up in your life. I have been there. I’ve thought to myself is it really worth getting up, turning on the rice cooker, and starting meal prep. I could just lay here on the couch in my Christmas fuzzy socks and chill. Life is about finding balance in all things. Balance with work, school, relationships, hobbies, eating, everything!

Meal prepping is a way to slow down and focus on making a healthy meal a priority in your insane day/life. It is a way of not only telling the universe that you care about what you are putting in your body, but it sends a thank you card to your loving body, thanking it for all the hard work it does. Take a day and prep meals for the week. Save yourself the stress of wondering what you are going to have for a meal and then resorting to crappy eating eating habits. Get off the couch and meal prep in your Christmas fuzzy socks. IT IS SO WORTH IT. Slap slap slap, wake up from your life sabbatical and get back on track, starting today.



  • 2 boneless skinless chicken breasts

  • 2 tbsps olive oil

  • 2 cups quinoa (you can use whatever rice you like)

  • 1 cup black beans

  • 1 cup corn

  • 1 cup chickpeas

  • 1 cup broccoli

  • 1 avocado

  • 1 large cucumber

  • dash of salt


  1. Preheat oven to 400.

  2. Cook quinoa in a rice cooker.

  3. Put chicken on a baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil and salt, flip and coat both sides.

  4. Bake in oven for 30 minutes. When it’s done take out of the oven and shred.

  5. Put all of your ingredients into an airtight sealed container and store in the fridge for the week.

Stay tuned folks, more meals prepped in Christmas fuzzy socks to come.

EatMaddie Lambourne