The 4th With My Boys

Seriously how cute is this picture of runner boy and Jerry at the park? Clay and Jerry are bffs. They have this friendship that is so unique and hilarious. Clay has put so much time and energy into training Jerry. I love watching them interact. I usually find myself sitting there with a huge smile on my face just thinking to myself "AWWWWWEEEEEE MY BOYS."


One of our favorite things to do when we have spare time is take Jerry to the park. We love discovering new parks, hiking trails, and any place outdoors. If you have seen us at the park we are usually running around chasing Jerry, playing tag, throwing the ball, and disturbing the peace. My favorite part of park time is when Jerry has literally run himself to total and complete exhaustion but you can tell he is in an absolute state of bliss.

LifeMaddie Lambourne