The Start of Running on Full

Why did I decide to put my skatter-brained, hectic minded, overly compulsive mind onto a web based plat form for all of the world to see? Gosh, as I am typing it out I'm glancing down at my chicken scratched pro-con list on my notepad next to me wondering the same thing. But thank goodness for runner boy who pushes me to stop second guessing myself and just go for things. At least my mom will like my blog haha (Hi Nancy).
​Clay was the one who made me a blog in the first place. We talked about creating a place where I could share some of the recipes that I make at home that are healthy, easy, and affordable. We talked about how different it is cooking for an athlete and how I had to do so much research when we first got married to discover healthy meal combinations. I told Clay that I wanted to make my blog anonymous and just post recipes on it for people that were in a similar situation as us. Clay in his Dumbledore like wisdom asked me why I followed some of bloggers that I followed. I thought of the greats and pulled out my Instagram for inspiration:

  • @sweetsimplevegan

  • @thewellnecessities

  • @jacimariesmith

  • @haileydevine & @bradleydevine

  • @rachelgoodeats

  • @frommybowl

  • @shalaneflanagan

The list could have been extensively longer but these were the first few that came up on my feed that day when I debated starting a blog. Clay pointed out that most of the time I end up modifying the recipes and making them my own, anyway. I followed the majority of people because I liked following along with their lives. WOW! Runner boy blows my mind sometimes. I went to bed that night thinking about it aka obsessing about it.
We follow people on social media because we are interested in their lives. We like hearing other peoples stories and being apart of their lives. Anyone can hop on Pinterest, Google, or call their mom and find a halfway decent guacamole recipe. But why do we choose to make the guacamole recipe of someone that we follow on social media? Its because we follow their story and we feel like we are apart of their day to day life. Does it in some way connect us with them? We hop on their blog and we see their tried, tested and true guacamole recipe and we trust that it will be good because we trust them! For the record Shalane Flanagan's guacamole is delicious and I make it often.

My passion for cooking started because I married a runner boy in college and had to learn to adapt to a different style of cooking. I decided to attach my, runner boy's, and Jerry the pugs face to the blog because I think recipes are 1000000000 trillion times more powerful and delicious when they come from someone that you know. I'm no Julia Childs, Michael, Pollan, or an Ultramarthoner. I am simply an amateur cook striving to make healthy recipes that fuel athletes. Oh yah that also don't cost a million dollars, take three hours, and require fifty ingredients!
​For now my blog is simply just a journal of thoughts, recipes, stories, jerry puns, cooking experiments, randomness, etc. Enjoy!

LifeMaddie Lambourne