What the Health?

If you were to ask me in high school if I saw myself helping people along on their health journeys I would have laughed in your face. I never thought that life would lead Clay and I here, but it did. I’ve always believed that you should identify what you are the most passionate about and then relentlessly pursue it. Funny twist and turn of events, it turned out to be health and wellness for us. But life is crazy, and ever changing, and it is beautiful, and oh so meant to be!

Working in health care for as long as I can remember I had the commonly misconstrued idea that to be “healthy” was to improve singular facets of your life. So many of the patients that I helped treat were coming in for chronic conditions. Time after time I found doctors quick to recommend medication or further testing. How often did doctors start conversations about diet, exercise, alternative medicine or even meditation? RARELY IF EVER! It seems like I didn’t truly realize the importance of leading a balanced life until my life fell completely off center. I talk more about my health journey in my post “Why I Became Vegan.”

I have come to realize the importance of finding your equilibrium. A balanced life looks different on every person. The key is figuring out what your center looks like. In my nutrition program we are constantly referring back to the quote “When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.” Easier said than done. We live in world full of food advertising, diet culture, processed foods, and increased prevalence of disordered eating. As a society we have simply forgotten how to eat! Food/eating has been warped and manipulated into something that is no longer easy or doable for the average person. We have forgotten how to listen to our bodies and we no longer value good, raw, real, food.

Health eating habits determine how we feel every day. They determine how we fight off sickness and prevent disease. They affect how quickly and gracefully we age. Healthy eating habits determine how our heart pumps blood to the body, what gut flora we maintain, our weight, or energy level, etc. etc. The lifestyle that we choose to lead and the habits we develop are things that can be passed on to our children! Yet so often we put our health on the back burner. We prioritize, convenience, addiction, bad habits, and laziness. I am 100% talking about myself at one point in time. Change is never easy, but ever so possible.

Clay and I started Running on Full simply as a way to document my go-to recipes, meal prep hacks, and health tips. We had no idea that people would encompass us with so much feedback and support. I realized how so many people have a desire to change but just lack a clear starting point. They struggle to identify what barriers are in their way and don’t know how to set achievable goals. Health coaching is a great starting point for whatever health journey you are trying to pursue. It provides an outside perspective, an added cheerleader, and a concise, customized health plan. It is such an amazing feeling to be in control of your health. I can honestly say that prioritizing my health has completely changed and illuminated my life. Check out our “Health Coaching” tab for more information. Reach out to us via email or text to work with Clay and I today.

Run, Life, EatMaddie Lambourne