Cilantro Lime Rice

No joke Clay could eat plain white rice every single day from now until the day he dies and not get sick of it. I on the other hand have to mix up the types of rice we use, the flavors we season our rice with, and am constantly incorporating variety. Whether it’s appreciated or not as long as I am alive and cooking that’s the way our house is running. One of our favorite styles of rice to make is cilantro lime rice. Seriously the easiest spin off of white rice out there. This type of rice is a great side with taco night, or as the base of a mexican themed veggie bowl. So here is the super complicated recipe.


  • 2 cups white rice

  • 1/4 cup lime juice

  • 1/4 cup chopped cilantro


  1. Cook rice in rice cooker.

  2. When the rice is finished cooking toss in lime juice and chopped cilantro.

  3. Thats it. Takes a lot of time huh?

  4. Should I keep typing instructions to throw people off?

  5. Don’t make your life hard. Make dinner quick and easy.

  6. Rice is yummy.

  7. Bye y'all.

EatMaddie Lambourne