Worth It?

If you know me you know I’m not a hateful person I just love ranting about topics that I’m passionate about. 85% of the time I have chill. So don’t let my cynicism and snarky posts fool you. Anyway…. I had someone ask me this week about Clay’s injury and running in general. Her exact comment was, “Well if Clay is injured is it even worth it to get back into running?” Sometimes I think my life is greater than or equal to the idea of a Hot Rod sequel in ridiculousness. When she asked me this question I honestly felt time freeze, my soul left my body for 20 seconds and I shoved an invisible pie in her face. Now keep in mind I am obviously the biggest jerk on the face of the earth because the lady asking me this was doing so with absolutely zero intention of being rude or offensive. Did she have any idea how much time, training, meals, sleep, recovery, miles, energy, commitment, had been invested into such an unforgiving sport. But why? Why do people invest so much for a return that others cannot always physically see? And is it worth it?


When I first met Clay I did not understand running at all. I had maybe gone to one track meet in my lifetime, probably on a dare or stumbled in by accident. I couldn’t comprehend the idea of people waking up voluntarily early to go run 5+ miles and consider that fun. It blew my mind that Clay was not only a full time student but was also running all through college. He was so disciplined with making sure that he was getting enough sleep, putting in enough miles every week, and eating enough food (mainly rice back then). I didn’t get it. If Mrs. Anonymous would have asked me that question way back in these days I probably would not have known how to answer.

BUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. Now I’m Mrs. Runner Boy! I have folded the never ending pile of running laundry, smelt the 200 pairs of running shoes, made the 5 million turkey sandwiches, thrown away the half opened bottles of gatorade in the backpacks, sat through a Jerry’s lifetime worth of track meets, bottom line…. I have earned the badge of honor and am now qualified to answer Mrs. Anonymous’ question.

Doing something that you’re passionate about is reason enough to pursue it wholeheartedly regardless of setbacks. For Clay that passion just so happens to be running. If Clay was passionate about pottery and he smashed both of his hands in the car doors would I tell him to throw in the towel? “Clay it hurts your hands, you need to quit potting” Wait potting sounds weird… IDK I’ll stop with the pottery comparison and go back to running. When Clay started to experience pain the instant reaction wasn’t sadness correlated to injury, but heartache that pursuing his passion was put on hold.

I truly believe that life is best lived when you have the courage to screw normality and enthusiastically let your passions lead you in whatever direction you go. I spent so long going to school trying to study something that I didn’t love, trying to be something I didn’t want to be, and try please people that I could now care less about. It wasn’t until I took a step back and asked myself what things fed my soul that I found the most joy out of life. And peeps that is a recent finding, props to Clay for the push.

Injury and setbacks occur, but sometimes it can be the illuminating light on what our true passions are and what is just fluff. As Clay has had to sit on the sidelines he has spent time building strength in other ways. He has had to get creative with training and different forms of exercise. Now it is no cupcake walk folks. Injury is frustrating and maddening. When your mind wants you to be able to do what you love so much but your body isn’t able. Skip this line mom. It is just down right shitty. I have had a front row seat for the past couple weeks. But Clay amazes me continually and he is always looking for ways to better himself. Getting back into running will not be something that happens over night and healing though slow will happen.

It wasn’t until I met Clay that I had the courage to say screw everyone and pursue what I truly love. So I guess that is kind of the rambly point of this post. If you love to do something go for it wholeheartedly. If you have an obstacle limiting you from pursuing your passion IT IS STILL WORTH PURSUING, just be patient. The greatest gift you can give yourself is is investing your time doing things you love! Track will be around until Clays heart pulls him in a different direction. Who knows maybe the pottery thing will happen? Then we will invest our time in that passion! Whatever you do, make sure you love it, then go for it, all in.

RunMaddie Lambourne