I'm an Avocadhoe

To say that I am addicted to avocados is a understatement in the least. These creamy dreamy versatile, vitamin, fat filled fruits (yes they are a fruit wow) have so many health benefits! There’s no wonder that all of the basic hoes of the world are eating avocado toast for breakfast everyday. Avocados have such an abundance of fiber, vitamin B6, C, folate, and contain more potassium than a banana. Translation? Folate can boost your mood ie people that eat more avocados are happier. Also if you are a girl and happen to be enduring shark week, avocado it up and find some cramp relief.

Of course with all good things in life there is debate and controversy. It is true that the nutrient avocados offer the most of is fat. When people hear the word fat they often jump to the image of the pillsbury dough boy, or look down at their own muffin top, or run the other direction because eating avocados will make you “fat” because they contain “fat.” FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE. The type of fat that is in an avocado matters people.


Avocados primarily contain a mixture of two types of fats polyunsaturated and monounsaturated. I am a nerd and think that polyunsaturated fats are super fascinating! Polyunsaturated fats are essential for our bodies to function but interestingly enough we cannot produce them ourselves. Our body needs these types of fats to create the covering around our nerves and build up cell membranes. If you are an athlete you specifically need these types of fats to help increase blood clotting and improve muscle movement. Oh but none of that matters right? Who would want to get Pillsbury dough boy fat? (She said so sarcastically and cynically).

The other type of fat contained in avocados is monounsaturated fats which is commonly found in olive oil. Many athletes use these types of fats to help reduce inflammation in their muscles and joints. Studies also have shown that in moderation these types of fats can help lower your risk of heart disease! People are so hung up on the specific types of fat that they tend to neglect the big picture as a whole. I heard this saying once that “Debating health effects of specific nutrients can often be like debating whether a trumpet is a good instrument or not. Taken by itself arguable. But when played in a band the equation changes.” PEOPLE! Avocados aren’t even a freaking band, they are a gosh dang flipping symphony!

In my humble opinion, only a simpleton would waste their time debating if avocados are good for you or not. The orchestra of nutrients, vitamins, and fats make this fruit one worth incorporating into any diet! Obviously if a food contains fat it is going to be higher in calories but a small amount goes a long way. Clay and I will usually use 1/2 an avocado in a meal for both of us and it hits the spot! Then I have an airtight container for the other half that I save and can use for another meal. If you follow along on my blog, you will notice that in most meals the portion sizes of the avocado that we use is so minimal compared to the other other things on the plate. I would argue that like most things, it comes down to balance. Be portion size smart!

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Some of the easy, go-to ways that we incorporate avocados into our meals are:

  • On sandwiches or wraps

  • Guacamole

  • Avocado toast

  • Vegan baking substitute

  • Green smoothies

  • Homemade salad dressings

  • Garnish on most meals

Tip: One time I saw this lady in the grocery store literally softball death gripping each and every avocado as if to tell if they were ripe or not. Then after manhandling each one she put them back, gasp! I was literally cringing inside. Mushy avocados are no one’s favorite! So don’t be the tool in the grocery store bruising all of the avocados. To figure out if an avocado is ripe simply give it a gentle squeeze with all of your fingers and if it has “give” then boom, its ready!

EatMaddie Lambourne