Lunch Full of Veggies

Are you ever craving a big bowl of freshness for lunch or dinner? Clay and I always love stocking our fridge full of veggies so that we can make bowls like this for lunch. Today we threw together a simple, easy, veggie filled lunch bowl. To answer any questions, yes there is indeed no meat in this meal! Not every meal that Clay and I share has meat in it and Clay doesn’t feel like he is missing anything. If you are in a hurry and want to throw together a healthy lunch simply fill a bowl full of whatever veggies are in your fridge! Here is the recipe of what we tossed in this bowl.


  • 1 cup couscous

  • 1/2 cup chickpeas

  • 1/2 cup kidney beans

  • 1/2 cup corn

  • handful of carrots

  • handful of cucumbers

  • 1/2 avocado

  • lettuce & kale

  • dash of cheese


  1. Make couscous

  2. Put ingredients in bowl

  3. Eat

  4. Seem to easy? Maybe because eating healthy doesn’t have to be time consuming.

  5. Take photo of your beautiful bowl

EatMaddie Lambourne